Memoir Read and Critique

- Ten Wednesday evenings, Sept. 13–Nov. 29 (no meetings on Rosh Hashana, Sept. 20; and pre-Thanksgiving, Nov. 22), 7–9 p.m.
- South County Senior Center, N. Main St., South Deerfield, Mass.
- $200 (amazing low price!)
- Open to men and women
- Registration deadline: Sept. 5, 2017
- To reserve your place, contact Jane at j[email protected]
This non-instructional writing group offers an intimate forum of four to six writers in which to share ongoing work and receive constructive feedback. Writers need to be engaged in a project and self-motivated to write without prompts, exercises, or assignments. No formal prerequisites, but writers need to feel comfortable receiving and offering critique according to established guidelines.
As in all workshops from The Heart of Story, we follow guidelines to safeguard confidentiality and provide a structured, supportive environment in which to write.